Atwell College

Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Policy 


The Department of Education and Atwell College Student Mobile Phone Policy prohibits students from using mobile phones from the time they enter the College grounds to the conclusion of the College day, including break times. Smartwatches, headphones, speakers and earbuds are also not permitted. In emergencies, where students need to get in contact with parents/carers, Students may use the telephone in Student Services. Parents and carers who wish to contact their children for emergencies can do so by calling Student Services reception.

You can download our Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Policy here.

Exemptions to this ban include where a student requires a mobile phone: 

  • To monitor a health condition as part of a school-approved documented health care plan.
  • Smart watches must be in ‘aeroplane mode’ so phone calls and messages cannot be sent or received during the school day.

Breaches of this Policy will be managed in accordance with the College Behaviour Management Policy and Procedures.

Atwell College does not recommend that mobile telephones or similar electronic devices be brought onto school grounds. Atwell College and its staff are not responsible if a student’s mobile telephone is lost, stolen or damaged. A student who breaches this rule will have his/her phone confiscated to be collected from Student Services at the end of the day. Any subsequent confiscations will require a parent/guardian to come to the Administration building to collect it.