BYOD Laptop Program

Atwell College has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program where all students are able to bring their own device(s) to the college and use them in digital lessons when required.

Bring a laptop along and join the school wireless network to engage in lessons with more focus towards digital delivery.

Students are also able to download the Office365 suite for free to use at home and whilst at school.

Atwell College would like to encourage all parents to invest in a BYOD solution for digital lessons. Students with their own BYOD receive an enhanced learning experience.

We have online portals with selected machines from vendors such as JB Hi-Fi, Winthrop and CDM that parents can go to and get amazing pricing on devices that have been selected by local vendors to meet the minimum requirements for these digital focussed lessons.

Make sure your child gets every advantage by participating in our BYOD program and learning further with our digitally focused lessons.

See the following vendors for recommended devices, great discounts and any advice you may be seeking:

JB Hi-Fi  use our school code AtwellCollege2024


Apple laptops –

Apple iPads –

Contact Winthrop; P: 08 6488 2777.

CDM Australia

Windows laptops (including the HP Probook 430 used at Atwell College)

Contact Dai Du at CDM, P: 08 9202 4444,