Student Services

Pastoral Care

Atwell College is committed to a school-wide approach to the wellbeing of its students and aims to provide an environment where each student feels safe, accepted and supported to achieve his or her full potential and to experience a feeling of belonging to their learning community.

The Student Services team is committed to supporting all students in their journey through school and preparation for life long learning. Atwell College focuses on a school-wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviours to create a positive school environment. Each cohort is targeted with specific learning programs to target the intellectual, creative, physical, social and emotional growth of Atwell College students. Pastoral care programs and activities for each year group reflect the following themes under a continuum of positive behaviour support for all students within the school through the overarching banner of Positive Behaviour in Schools.

Pastoral Care Team

PsychologistAll YearsSamantha Wells (Monday & Wednesday) Cyan Donatti (Wed – Friday)
NurseAll YearsSusan Hawkins (Mon-Thur)
ChaplainAll YearsDirk De Swardt

Coping with Studies and Exams

Study and exam time can be stressful! Fortunately, there is a lot that can be done to alleviate stress. Here are some tips:

  • Establish sensible routines for study, leisure, work and  well-being.
  • Look after your health: eat well, get enough sleep and  exercise.
  • Do things you enjoy.
  • Spend time with people you care about and who care  about you. 
  • Relax, meditate.
  • Be kind to yourself. 
  • Manage your self-talk.

For any of our students experiencing stress, please see your year coordinator who can help you make an appointment to see one of our school psychologists. Don’t suffer in silence.

Further information available online

Youth Beyond Blue website

eHead Space (Counsellors online as well as phone advice available)

Kids Help Line  (Counsellors online as well as phone advice available)