When studying Mathematics, students learn to use the concepts of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability to describe and understand their social and physical world.
Mathematics teaches students to become observant, interpret results and to draw general conclusions; all skills that are required in everyday life. Mathematical ideas have evolved across all cultures and it is within this context that Mathematics is taught in the modern world. With the use of digital technologies, we are able to facilitate the expansion of ideas and provide access to new tools for continuing mathematical exploration and invention.
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10
The Mathematics Learning Area aims to provide every student with the opportunity to work at their highest mathematical capability, whilst giving them the opportunity to soundly understand one level of mathematics before proceeding to the next. Students are encouraged to work logically and to become proficient at problem solving, reasoning, critical thinking and other processing skills.
Mathematics is a compulsory subject in Years 7-10. The content is divided into three content strands to reflect the new Australian Curriculum. They are Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. We encourage students to solve problems within the context of these strands, as well as becoming proficient in mathematical understanding, and developing fluency with basic skills and calculations together with logical reasoning and analytical thought.
Within each year level, there are 3 pathways each designed to meet the needs of our students. In the Academic Extension Program (AEP), students are introduced to higher level thinking skills whilst working through the curriculum. Pathway 1 focuses on achievement at the year level curriculum and Pathway 2 is scaffolded and differentiated from lower year levels with the aim of improving the individual progression of each student..
Year 11
In Year 11, students can study an appropriate Mathematics course(s) that reflect their ability and chosen career pathway. Some of these courses are prerequisites for university studies while others may be required in some TAFE courses. Mathematics ‘Specialist’ Units 1 and 2 and to a lesser degree, Mathematics ‘Methods’ Units 1 and 2 are aimed at mathematically able students who require a high level of mathematical knowledge to progress in their chosen vocation. If students choose to study Mathematics Specialist, they must also study Mathematics Methods. These students study ‘Methods’ and ‘Specialist’ simultaneously in Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and Year 12 (Units 3 and 4). It is possible for a student to just complete the ‘Methods’ units on their own if they do not feel up to it to study ‘Specialist’.
Mathematics ‘Applications’ Units 1 and 2 are intended for students who wish to study mathematics in their final years at school and who are preparing for a tertiary course of study which does not have as strong a mathematical content as ‘Methods’ or ‘Specialist’.
Students in the Mathematics ‘Essential’ Units 1 and 2 class complete work that relates to real world physical contexts. This course does not prepare students for tertiary study but rather prepare them with the mathematics necessary for adult life.
Year 12
The Year 12 subjects consolidate the work completed in the previous year. Students are encouraged to review their performance in Year 11 and may have to alter their chosen pathway for Year 12 e.g. ‘Methods’ to ‘Applications’ or vice versa. Units 3 and 4 in Mathematics ‘Specialist’, Mathematics ‘Methods’ and Mathematics ‘Applications’ all follow on from the high-level Year 11 Units 1 and 2 courses, and are aimed at mathematically able students who require a high level of mathematical knowledge to progress in their chosen vocation.
The Mathematics ‘Essential’ Units 3 and 4 course is very similar in style to those in Year 11 (Units 1 and 2), and involve the students completing various problem solving tasks that are set in a real-life context.