
Atwell College practices Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) to support a culture of self-motivation, respect, consideration and responsibility in students. Parents/Guardians expect the College to provide a safe and caring environment but they also have a role to support the College and encourage their children to observe the code of conduct. Further elaboration on how the Code of Conduct translates into actions can be found by clicking the following link Atwell College Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct applies to all students when:

  • Travelling to and from the College
  • On College grounds
  • Using College property
  • Participating in extra-curricular activities.
  • Participating in off-site College sponsored activities.
  • Engaging in an activity which will have an impact on the College climate or reputation

As part of responding to inappropriate behaviour, the College will refer students to an appropriate College staff member or an outside agency for counselling. College staff will document student behaviour to assist this process through the provision of accurate information. Where deemed necessary, Parents/Guardians will be informed of all inappropriate behaviours that their student’s are involved in.