Transport to Atwell

Atwell College is an Independent Public College for students in Years 7 to 12, located in the southern suburb of Atwell. Easily accessible by public transport and minutes off the Kwinana Freeway, Atwell College’s unique architecture and large playing fields create a dynamic landmark amongst the sweeping avenues and homes of the local community.

Atwell College fosters strong connections to the community and aims to be the secondary school of choice for local primary schools.

View the College local intake area boundaries.

Enrolments from students in other areas are also accepted, depending on cohort population and College forecasting. Please contact the College if you have any enquiries.

Public Transport

Transperth provides bus services to and from the College each school day.

To find which public transport services suit you, visit the Transperth website. Alternatively, you can contact the College administration for more information.

Bus Passes – Smartrider cards

Smartrider cards are administered by library staff in the College Library. Smartrider cards are ordered from Monitor WA online, but students come to the Library to order and pick up replacement Smartrider cards.

Smartrider cards are used within the College for signing in late, printing, photocopying and library loans, as well as public transport and I.D. outside the College. It is vital that students bring their cards with them to school every day. Smartrider cards display the College’s name, address, and a photograph of the student. Generally, the school uses the image taken of the student on our annual photo day, but students can have their photo taken in the College Library should they require it. 

Year 7 Smartrider cards

Year 7 students are automatically issued with a Smartrider card when first enrolled at the College.  If parents do not wish for their child to have a Smartrider card, they should tick NO on the Smartrider permission box when completing the College Enrolment Forms.  When a Smartrider card is ordered through the College, it will automatically “hot list” any previous Smartrider card(s) the student may have. This means any old Smartrider(s) will not work. It is wise for students to carry cash so they do not get caught out when using public transport if they have ordered new Smartrider cards.

For Year 7 Smartrider cards, library staff have to wait for school photos to be taken and imported into the Monitor WA database. This normally takes place between mid-February and early March each year.  As such, Year 7 students will not receive a Smartrider card immediately upon starting high school. Year 7 Smartrider cards are distributed through the home room system by their teacher when ready.

Adding funds for printing and photocopying – papercut

The College charges a small fee for printing and photocopying (refer to the Atwell College Charges and Contribution document for further details on these charges). Students can add extra funds to their card with cash via the receptionist at the main Administration reception area.

Note: You cannot use Transperth money on your Smartrider card for printing and photocopying as the money is loaded separately onto the Smartrider card.

For queries relating to funds for public transport, please ring Transperth on 13 62 13. Our College library staff can only answer queries relating to the printing and photocopying funds.

Losing your smartrider card

In the event of a loss, replacement Smartrider cards can be ordered through the library staff for a $5 fee; Replacement cards will take approximately five working days to arrive.

Our College Library staff can issue you with a temporary card that will give you the cash concession fare but not the student 70c fare. Please approach the staff if a temporary card is required.

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to collect their new card from the Library as staff do not chase up uncollected Smartrider cards. Once a new card has been ordered, any old Smartrider card becomes “hot-listed” and will no longer work.

Cards can only be collected by the student whose name is on the card. Please do not send siblings or friends to collect as they will be refused. Parents may come in person to collect the card by special arrangement with library staff. All visitors must report to the receptionist in our main Admin Office and be officially signed in before entering the College grounds.

New students – Years 8 to 12

New students are automatically issued with a Smartrider card. Students are to go to the library to have their photo taken for their card.

Smartrider Queries

We process Smartrider queries before school, during lunchtime and after school. Please do not come during class time as library staff will be unable to help you. Please look for the friendly staff at the Library reception.

Protecting the Smartrider card

Do not put the Smartrider card next to a mobile phone. The card contains a magnetic chip and phones can wipe the chip and make the card invalid.

For any Smartrider query, you can contact our College library staff on 6174 2200 or email at Staff will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.